
When we think of traumatic brain injuries, we don't always think of our children playing in school, but the fact is 20% of all traumatic brain injuries occur from playing sports, with more than half (55%) of TBIs being caused by falls in children up to age 14.
Other than those over age 65, young adults from age 15-24 have the highest rate of head injury (1:100). The younger a person, the less likely to die from brain injury, being over 65 and sustaining a head trauma carried the highest risk of death almost 10x any other age group. This is also another reason that hormone levels should be checked in a person over 50, since most of these injuries are related to poor balance, decreases muscle strength and accidental falls. Survey — United States, 2001–2010 (Hospitalizations)
Suffering In Silence
Brain injury like chronic fatigue symptoms do not always show on the outside, the person can look perfectly normal on the outside but have a numerous emotional, physical and neurological disturbances. Many young adults with these injuries, suffer in silence, with learning difficulties and social stresses in school. If left untreated these can negatively effect, not only learning capabilities but the physical performance and emotional wellbeing of a young adult for many years. Studies are also reveling an increased risk of a second concussion or injury, resulting in more even more serious consequences and traumatic brain injuries.

The following are some signs of Concussions/Brain Inury.
Dizziness, “Foggy Brain”
Visual disturbances
Slurred Speech
Sleeping disturbances – falling and staying
Decreased concentration
Depression and mood disturbances
Head Injury & Hormones

Chronic traumatic brain injury (TBI), including traffic accidents and sport-related injuries, is commonly associated with pituitary dysfunction, this often causes multiple deficiencies of crucial hormones, such as: Growth Hormone, Melatonin, Serotonin, Thyroid and female and male reproductive hormones. Hormone Replacement and stimulation of these is essential not only for healing but quality of life and the prevention of chronic disease. For instances rates of degenerative brain diseases dementia and Alzheimer’s increase in when these hormones are decreased.
Secondary Effects
Delayed sexual maturation
Depression Infertility, missed menstrual cycles
Decreased muscle mass
Increased Alzheimer's risk
Conventional treatment, hospitalization and stabilization in the acute phases of these injuries improves every year, however treatment options are limited in the chronic and long term stages. Standard prescription medications are often used to help decrease (not fix) some of the mood, sleep and nausea symptoms. These do have some limited benefit (especially related to sleep) but are often over prescribed and fail to address the actual injury creating new symptoms and or addictions.
Conventional “drug only” therapies frequently fall short to provide significant recovery,
often resulting in chronic symptoms over a lifetime.

Remember, it is the body (a healthy body able to rest and repair heals faster) that ultimately heals from these or any injuries, so increased physical, nutritional and hormonal support is essential. If not properly treated other chronic diseases show up decades later and continue to get progressively worse, and at worse increasing the risk for other disease, such as Alzheimer's and dementia.
Learn more about EnerChanges TBI Treatment Program that assist healing and replaces and stimulates the natural production of human growth and other pituitary hormones to prevent and repair the effects of brain injuries.
For more information, BOOK NOW or call EnerChanges Clinic.
Additional links and information
Treatment Options
Growth Hormone Replacement in TBI - Mark L. Gordon, M.D. - Youtube
Measurements of quality of life in patients with growth hormone deficiency.
Growth hormone deficiency after traumatic brain injury in adults: when to test and how to treat?
Growth hormone replacement therapy in patients with traumatic brain injury.
GH deficiency after traumatic brain injury: improvement in quality of life with GH therapy:2015
Progesterone and vitamin D hormone as a biologic treatment of traumatic brain injury
Progesterone and vitamin D combination therapy modulates inflammatory response after TBI.
Cerebroprotection of Flavanol (-)-Epicatechin after Traumatic Brain Injury.
Novel therapeutic strategies for traumatic brain injury: acute antioxidant reinforcement.
Oral fish oil restores dopamine release after traumatic brain injury.